Welcome to

The Wishes Room

Official Website


We are two female artists working on a project based in the Ojamajo Doremi series. We are building a doujinshi with lots of new characters and advetures, here is where "The Wishes Room" shows up.In order to allow all of you to get in touch with our project and other fans we decided to open this server."The Wishes Room" is a fashion store in the witches and human worlds, ruled by two Majos (Kaira and Kyuko) who used to be apprentices and have the company of Billius, a strange and quite difficult wizard.Here you will discover their past of these secondary characters and their relationships with other witches and wizards, getting an idea of the deep lore we are building for the doujin, until we release the BOMB.Through them you will be able to join our journey in the development of this big project of ours.

Come and meet Kaira and Kyuko (& Billius) in:
'The Wishes Room'.
“Show your Charm, show your Magic”

If you like what we do, we would like to thank you in advance for your appreciation.
For those who are interested in our merchandising or if you want a personal illustration made by The Wishes Room be free to ask in "commissions".
We are not open for request or any type of free art.
As every artist our work, our time as well as the money and years invested developing and studying to be the professionals we are now are valuable.
Take into account when you ask an artist or any other seller you are not only paying for the item but also for their quality, time and professionalism in their area.
Thank you for understanding.

Content under license - CC BY-NC-SA